Do Wisdom Teeth Cause Crowding? | Friday Focus | E&S Orthodontics

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of teeth to emerge in the back of the mouth. They typically begin to develop in early adolescence and can cause discomfort and pain if they do not have enough room to grow properly. One of the common concerns associated with wisdom teeth is whether they can cause crowding in the mouth.

Crowding occurs when there is not enough space in the mouth to accommodate all of the teeth, resulting in overlapping or crooked teeth. There are several reasons why crowding can occur, including genetics, early loss of baby teeth, thumb sucking, and other oral habits. However, wisdom teeth are not typically considered a significant cause of crowding.

In most cases, wisdom teeth do not cause crowding because they emerge after the other permanent teeth have already settled into place. By the time the wisdom teeth begin to emerge, there is usually little to no space left in the mouth for them to grow. As a result, they may become impacted, or trapped beneath the gum line, causing pain and discomfort.

While wisdom teeth may not be a significant cause of crowding, they can exacerbate existing crowding or orthodontic issues. For example, if a patient already has crowded teeth or a misaligned bite, the emergence of wisdom teeth can put additional pressure on the other teeth, causing them to shift or become more crooked. In some cases, orthodontic treatment may be necessary to correct the issue.

It’s important for patients to have regular dental check-ups and X-rays to monitor the development of their wisdom teeth and ensure that they are not causing any problems. If wisdom teeth are causing pain or discomfort, or if they are impacted or infected, they may need to be removed.

In conclusion, wisdom teeth are not typically a significant cause of crowding in the mouth. However, they can exacerbate existing orthodontic issues or put additional pressure on the other teeth. Regular dental check-ups and x-rays by an orthodontist near you can help monitor the development of wisdom teeth and determine if they need to be removed to prevent any potential problems.