Choosing a Pediatric Orthodontist | E&S Orthodontics

When you’re told that your child will need an orthodontic procedure, a good orthodontist can be extremely overwhelming. Especially for those in Phoenix, a quick Google search for “Orthodontist Phoenix” brings up 349,000 results. When it comes to your child, you want the best, so how do you sort through all of these results to find an orthodontist you can trust and feel comfortable with?

Accreditation Matters

The first thing you can do is search for accredited orthodontists. You can start your list on the American Dental Association (ADA) website, and then cross-reference that with the American Board of Orthodontics (ABO) website. All orthodontists are required to be ADA certified, and they can go on to get the ABO certification if they want additional accreditation. By using the ABO search engine on their website, a search for orthodontist Phoenix, there are more than 10 options within the city limits, and several within driving distance of the city.

Additional certifications that orthodontists can hold generally involve specific technology. For example, if you’re looking into Invisalign braces, you can cross-reference your list of ADA and ABO-certified orthodontists with those that are certified on the Invisalign website.

The second Opinions are Good

Another good way to make sure you’re getting an orthodontist you can feel good about is to get a second opinion. Different orthodontists specialize in various technologies, and the technology is always changing. That’s why it’s so important to talk to various doctors in addition to your child’s dentist to be sure that you are aware of all of the options out there. Don’t feel about asking questions or telling a doctor what you don’t like about their plans. Just because they hold a degree doesn’t mean they know what’s best for your child. Be your child’s advocate and you will never go wrong.

Ask Around

Once you have your list of orthodontists that are within a distance you’re willing to drive and hold the certifications you require, start asking around. Ask your friends, family and coworkers who they would recommend. You can also put social media to work for you. Let your Facebook friends know you’re looking for the best orthodontist, and check out the pages of the doctors at the top of your list. When anyone tells you a negative experience they had, be sure to ask them what the doctor offered to do to make the situation better. Remember that everyone makes mistakes, so there is always going to be a negative experience out there. What matters is what the practice did to make it better. And of course, if you hear a lot of bad reviews about a practice, avoid that practice altogether.