Invisalign Vs Braces, Which Is Better? | E&S Orthodontics

Invisalign is a new dental aesthetic for straightening teeth. It is invisible braces. So for those who don’t like traditional braces, Invisalign could be a good choice you. However, not all people are candidates for wearing Invisalign. The traditional braces, which are the metal ones, give patients a mouth full of shiny metal.

Most orthodontists Florida-based will tell you that you need to visit your orthodontist first to know if you are a candidate to wear Invisalign. The reason why not all can wear these new braces is because there are many cases of teeth alignment problems, and every case has its process for fixing them. So only your orthodontist will know which will be better for you.

The difference between the two sets of braces is the material that has been used. The metal braces are created from metal, while the Invisalign braces are created from clear plastic trays to accomplish movement, which makes them flexible and invisible.

Other advantages of using Invisalign are:

  • These invisible braces are used only for simple cases like slightly crowded lower teeth, for instance. However, some are built for all kinds of cases and even advanced cases.
  • Invisible braces can address numerous dental concerns, including closing gaps, straightening teeth, correcting your bite, and some TMJ issues.
  • Many patients love Invisalign because they are discreet, and no one knows you’re receiving treatment. The trays are easy to use and are comfortable. Your orthodontist or dentist will provide you with a special whitening gel to whiten your teeth during treatment.
  • It is removable.
  • Nearly undetectable
  • Comfortable to wear

How about the cons?

  • These braces require excellent cooperation. Once you fail to wear these aligners, the period of the effectivity to fix the alignment will go longer.
  • There is tenderness, and feeling within a few days of each treatment
  • Need to remove it before eating.
  • It is pricey
  • There is a tendency for your speech will be impaired
  • The aligner must be changed every 2 weeks.

Again, you can choose either of the two braces. However, the only one who knows what would be the best to fix your teeth is your orthodontist. To know more about these kinds of braces, visit him for a check-up.