Retainer Insurance For Post Orthodontic Treatment | E&S Orthodontics

When you get closer to the end of your treatment, your orthodontist should start talking with you about post-orthopedic treatment. The most common post-orthodontic treatment is using a retainer to “retain” your teeth look and feel.

The problem with retainers, is that often our patients lose them or they get broken. Retainers are fragile and not meant to get damaged, as any damage can lead to problems with holding your teeth in the post-braces position.

This is why responsible orthodontists recommend Retainer Insurance to their patients. Retainer Insurance is insurance for your retainers. Put, if your retainers fall out or get broken, your orthodontist will replace or repair them free of charge.

This will allow you to save time and money after your orthodontic treatment. I am sure that right now, you can imagine the number of times you would lose it, and already you can see the savings you will make by purchasing retainer insurance.