E&S Orthodontics Launches Spanish Website | E&S Orthodontics

Did you know that Spanish is the most spoken non-English language in the United States? Doesn’t it make sense to do your best to serve the needs of the Spanish speaking community? We do which is why E&S Orthodontics is proud to announce that we recently launched a Spanish website. We, at E&S Orthodontics, want to do our best in serving the needs of the Spanish speaking community. Therefore, we are proud to announce that we recently launched our Spanish website.

At E&S Orthodontics we understand that the world doesn’t just speak English

We’ve put a lot of time, effort and costs into developing a best-in-class website, full of invaluable, patient focused information. Adding a Spanish language option to esorthodontics.com was important to us as we continue to do our very best to serve our patients and those we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet. It fits perfectly with our vision and core value of being an orthodontic practice that focuses on meeting the needs of every individual.

This new feature is going to make it possible for anyone who visits our site to easily comprehend its content, taking the fear out of making a decision without fully understanding the process.

To use the Spanish website, simply go to the top of the page on https://www.esorthodontics.com/ and click on the Spanish option. The Spanish version of the website is a true translation. By “true translation” we mean that it’s not some hard to understand automated translation technology. We hired professional translators to write the content.

As Nelson Mandela once said, “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” When it comes to putting their orthodontic care in our hands, we want the information we provide on the E&S Orthodontics website to go to our patients’ hearts, make them feel at ease.