How To Tell If Your Child Has A Bite Problem | E&S Orthodontics

In this edition of Friday Focus, Dr. O El-Hillal from E&S Orthodontics, your Phoenix Orthodontist, discusses how to tell if your child has a bite problem and whether they should see an orthodontist.

Hi. My name is Dr. O and today we’re going to talk about how you can recognize whether your child has a misaligned bite problem.

E&S Orthodontics (following guidelines from the American Association of Orthodontists) recommends that all children have an orthodontic consultation by age 7, while the teeth are still developing and the jaw is still growing.

The main things we examine at this age are the relationships between the front and back teeth, as well as the upper and lower jaws. We are evaluating whether the child has an abnormal overbite – which means the top teeth overlap the bottom teeth outside normal guidelines or the top teeth stick out further than the bottom teeth – or an underbite where the bottom teeth stick out in front of the top teeth.

Another condition we look for is a crossbite – where one or several upper teeth are on the inside of the lower teeth.

We make these assessments to determine whether your child would benefit from early intervention orthodontic treatment.

As a parent, you can check your child’s bite with this easy test. Have your child pull their cheek out with their finger and bite down normally. You will be able to tell if there is any abnormal spacing, enough space for their adult teeth, a crossbite, or if their teeth are properly fitting together.

These are easy ways to examine your child’s mouth and detect potential bite problems.

Note: E&S Orthodontics provides Complimentary Early Intervention Consultations every six months for children aged seven and up to monitor your child’s development and to recommend any treatment at the most ideal times.

We have an outstanding record working with pre-teens and children. Early intervention can be used for some cases, such as bottom or upper teeth that do not line up or over-crowding. However, a professional orthodontic exam can detect many other conditions that parents cannot see alone. Phase 1 of Early Intervention usually begins around the age of nine, when your child’s jaw is still growing. Orthodontic appliances can be used to treat or improve the problem.

To schedule a free Early Intervention Consultation, please contact us at (602) 780-2709.